Barriers To Employment.
Many of the issues identified below are barriers to employment, that actually needed to be addressed in some way before the people we help are able to move to a position where their life could begin to change in a positive way.
To enable the referral process, we set up regular meeting times within local community provisions such as Community Centres, Job Centres and Community Cafes. These sessions enable potential volunteers to engage with us,for local agencies to refer to us and for us to be able to accept self-referrals.
Some of the potential barriers to work, or even a better standard of living, may present itself in the form of the following.
In our First Steps Sessions, some users have and still find themselves up against these barriers. One of our aims for the charity is to help people become able and thus lead a better life for themselves where possible.
Obviously with each person, there is a different set of barriers to employment. We aim to address that by helping people obtain what they need.
For more info on this, or any of our other workshops, please drop us a line

- No form of ID
- Registration with health care providers
- Volunteering
- Application form completion
- Confidence building
- C.V Improvement
- Using’Indeed‘ accounts

- Understanding and identifying own skills
- Food vouchers
- Anxiety
- Lack of ambition
- Suicide prevention
- Working with agencies
- Budgeting / Financial issues
- S.W.O.T (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities & threats)
- Upskilling & reskilling including basic maths, English, IT skills & first aid
- Referrals to agencies geared to a specific issue

- Child Care
- Transport Costs
- Isolation
- Bereavement
- Socialisation / COVID stressors
- Location
- Personality
- Unreliable transport links
- Low wages
Get in touch to get in on the workshops!