Positive Pathways aims to address the specific needs of local communities through a programme of informal learning which is participative, enabling and provides equality of opportunity. 

Your POSITIVE PATHWAY starts here…

Positive Pathways began as a proposal on paper that is very different to how the project operates currently.

The concept has always been around enabling people who are unemployed or work-less to gain the skills and knowledge needed to move on in life.

Although the concept has never changed, the delivery method and model have, and it still is a fluid model as we consult with the people we work with, and we begin to understand the complex needs of the people we call we work who we refer to as volunteers.

Our Aims

Positive Pathways aims to address the specific needs of local communities through a programme of informal learning which is participative, enabling and provides equality of opportunity.

We endeavour to achieve this objective by:

Listening to young people and communities, by sharing skills and knowledge, by involving communities in the decision making process and providing an environment where all community members can feel safe and valued.

Defining what we mean:

Support local communities by raising funds through accepting donations, fund raising, grant applications, raising awareness and supporting partnerships.

By ‘Programme of Informal Learning’, we mean opportunities for local communities around the following objectives:

  • Keeping safe and taking less risks
  • Being healthy in body and mind
  • Accomplishing, Appreciation and Growth
  • Moving towards economic well being
  • Taking part in the decision making process and making positive contributions.

In real terms

Keeping safe and taking less risk

Understanding Anti-social behaviour, relationships with the police, Neighbourhood Watch & Early Intervention.

Being healthy in body and mind

Sports and exercise activities, counselling opportunities, cooking, healthy food and lifestyles, encouraging work life balance skills, developing hobbies and cultural appreciations, for example – art, music and craft

Moving towards economic well being

Job clubs, Food Banks, Credit Union, becoming employment ready and reducing people who are NEET (Not in Employment, Education or Training)

Being healthy in body and mind

Sports and exercise activities, counselling opportunities, cooking, healthy food and lifestyles, encouraging work life balance skills, developing hobbies and cultural appreciations, for example – art, music and craft

Taking part in the decision making process and making positive contributions

Surveys, Stakeholder meetings, being listened to and decisions action on wherever appropriate and possible. Asked to Participation using age and ability appropriate methods.

About Us

Positive Pathways employs one Level 7 nationally qualified Youth & Community Worker with over 33 years of experience in this field for the majority of the engagements.

The staff are supported by three Trustees who look after the legalities of being a charity. One of these Trustees is a participant, who enables us to keep focused on the voice of the people we work with.

Finally, the work that Positive Pathways does, is underpinned and guided by the needs of the service users and some of these go on to become volunteers

Our Services

We offer a range of services suited and tailored to the needs of the individual. Here are just a few of the services and things we do

We take your existing CV, and provide you with a more tailored and bespoke CV, often drawing out skills you didn’t realise you had, through informal sessions and peer mentoring

We are able to access to some of the latest courses in your area in subjects such as English, Maths or First Aid Training

We can provide access to local resources such as food banks or other related services that require professional referrals

If like a lot of us, application forms give us the jitters or even worse, or even if you are not able to understand the forms, we are here to help with Job Applications, Universal Credit as well as other forms

digital profile of fictional person depicting various types of ID

In this day and age, one is required to be able to ‘prove’ who you are to access services. We can assist you getting relevant documentation such as an application (not funding) for a Provisional Driving Licence

It may look like pure fun, which it is, but also has a lot of health benefits to it including raising fitness, encourages and grows social interaction skills & gives a confidence boost